I have to build tribute page for project but i'm very confused

I have to build tribute page for project but i’m very confused.

first, how can i save my code on codepen.io site and share it’s link here

second, how will i add images from google in the code, what will i fill in “src” attribute

third, can i build my project on my pc and upload that on drive and share it’s link in solution section ??

Please Help I’m too confused

you need to create an account and save the pen to your account- to copy the pen with the test suite to your account and work in that, use the fork button in the bottom right corner

try to right click on an image and open it on a new tab - when you can open just the image in the url bar of the browser there will be the image url, most often ending in jpg or png

you can build the projects on your computer but you can’t use drive, you need a live version of your project with the code also publicly viewable

From the FAQ:

Do I have to use CodePen for the front end projects?

As long as your code is publicly viewable, and you have a live demo, you can use whatever you want.

You can use GitHub pages or surge.sh as alternatives to CodePen.

so can i build the project on my pc and upload on codepen.io ?

and where is the save option??
i have tried with ctrl + s but the code removes after refreshing page

this pic might help, i have underlined the key areas to note

you can save by clicking save on the top etc,

so can i build the project on my pc and upload on codepen.io ?
and where is the save option??

yes you can build it on your pcand copypaste. There is an option to upload source code files but is limited to one document in a free account so its best to copy paste, but when copypaste to codepen only add the contents of the body in the html editor, the css should be added without the style tags and js without the script tag, that is all done for you

and if i will build the page on my pc then i will make a folder where images will be stored which i will use in page, then how will i upload that folder or images on codepen??

please don’t be mad on me on my silly questions, i am newbie :sweat::sweat::sweat:

and if i cannot upload images on codepen for the page then how will i add those specific images in my page ???

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What you do is display images through links, you can go to a site such as pixabay and get free images that you can right click and copy its image address.

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