I just finished CS50x and CS50w, what to do next?

I just finished CS50x and CS50w and I want to become a full stack developer so what free course should I do next?

First of all, congrats on completing CS50 courses. It’s a great achievement.
freeCodeCamp offers a free full stack developer curriculum. Although it’s still in beta version, you can start from there if you want to have a complete understanding of full stack development.
Good luck!

Instead of taking another course, why not just try to create a full stack project? (You should have created some already).

The more you try to apply your knowledge the more likely you are to find the gaps in your knowledge and then you can study the specific areas that you need more information on.

I did that but I want to move on and find a job
The things I learned from this two courses is not enough to find a job
That why I am asking if someone have course for my current leve?

if you have the basics of a full stack down, like MERN, or any other, build your own projects
otherwise learn the technologies you are missing

building your own projects, once you know how some things work, is best instead of continuinuing to search for the best course

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maybe you can tell us what you are still trying to learn?