I love to code but JavaScript makes it very hard for me

It’s been 5 months since I started learning JavaScript and the beginning was very frustrating but then the coming months made it a bit easier for me and learned how to make a modal, buttons, color changer, to do list and some basic projects, but it’s been 5 months and when I try to make something bigger I just get stuck and have no idea what to write, I try not to watch video tutorials, but when it comes the part after naming variables I just get stuck and have no idea what to do.

I really want to learn JavaScript much better but I am not so good with it and I really wanna ask you what suggestions do you have, does solve algorithms from Codewars would help me to improve with JavaScript or what because I’m just wasting time honestly because I remember I get stuck with building a quiz, animations, etc.

Have you gone through all the basic javascript sections on there, also I don’t know how you learn I learn from visual so watching videos helps me understand what things do what, then it’s just a case of practicing them, googling things you want to do and see if there is any answers. Algorithms do help you think.