I need a course or simple website codes that show the interaction between front-end and back-end

Hi, I’m not a programmer. I know a little about .NET, PHP, JS, HTML, MySQL…
I need a course or simple website codes that show the interaction between front-end and back-end.
Including PHP, MySQL and JS

You’re asking for a simple course to explain a very complex subject with many facets. There is not one simple course to explain this. Many complex courses are needed.

Sorry. There also isn’t one simple course to make you a chess master or a brain surgeon. There’s a reason why web development jobs are in demand and pay great - they take years of dedicated study.

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Hello @ebik here is a link to a video that has been posted here many times, it is meant to give you the lay-of-the-land in 2016/2017 as far as web development goes. It explains some of the possible routes to take and what to learn to connect backend technologies to frontend technologies. Its a nice overview. You don’t need to know it all, but you have to understand some of the fundimentals and at least one path ( group of technologies ) to connect the back to the front.


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Hey ebik,

I think the tutorial that would help you most is the Clementine.js Beginner Tutorial. It teaches the basics of front-end and back-end interaction.


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im thinking about doing an updated version of clementineJS. link to discussion here FCC Backend People: Give me thoughts on my Node+Express+MongoDB+React tutorial (a modern update to ClementineJS) let me know if you have any thoughts!