Hello, I am new to web development. As all beginners, I want to build good roadmap to follow. Now my roadmap contains the following content:
1)Html + CSS
a)Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS
b)FFC Responsive Web Design
c) FrontEnd Mentor challanges
a) The Complete JavaScript Course From Zero to Expert!
b)FFC JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
c) 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript
d) JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
e) You don’t know js
3)Front End Development Libraries
a)Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects
b)The Complete jQuery Course From Beginner To Advanced!
c)Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations, and More!
d) Modern React with Redux
e)FFC Front End Development Libraries
Back End Development and APIs
a) The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
b) Understanding NPM - Node.js Package Manager
c) Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More The Complete Bootcamp
d) FFC Back End Development and APIs
So here comes my dilemma should I learn react first or node.js
I am currently on js section. so I want to plan ahead, keep in mind my design skills are bad I know designing isn’t a web developer’s job but I want to be confident at everything I do. I can do challenges like frontend mentor but I know that is not enough so I am not confident in my CSS skills, also I have to learn js pretty deep first to start learning
react /node but I think the front end is harder for me so I should focus on learning my weak side first
(((I know I don’t have enough experience for now to say this but my math and logic skills are way better than designing ones)))
overall I want to be a full-stack developer so this question is just about what I should start first?
Also if I decide to learn front-end and land a job my fear is I won’t have time to learn back-end after that. so should I try to learn both before searching for a job? but by this method, I think I would miss big experience I know that while in practice(working) I will learn way more and way fast than studying by myself.
and after all this, I want to learn PHP so maybe node > PHP and then frontend?
So any comment would be appreciated also if you could link any good courses books on those subjects would be great.