Help on the road map to web developer

So I wanna do a career change and dedicate my time of work to learn to program and become a front web developer or maybe a back end, we’ll see as I’ve never code so along the way may feel in love with one or another.

My question here is, can someone help on what path should I follow here on fCC?
I wanna start of bc learning html and css and then JS and so on. What should I do?
There are so many courses around and I feel kinda lost.

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Hello and welcome to the freeCodeCamp community~!

The curriculum is designed to be completed in order. In other words, start from the top and work your way down. :slight_smile:


Oh, that makes sense, thanks a lot

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My suggestion is to start with the JavaScript. For it, you need to learn the course “Understanding the Weird Parts” from Udemy.

hi there @joaocnovais!
welcome to the forum

in case you’re interested to at least cast a look, there is a site with roadmaps at least for some basic paths in the IT world.

as for now, I can paste here links for front end path, backend map and fullstack. Don’t feel overwhelmed, if you will read the legend of the scheme, you will understand that you dont have to learn like EVERYTHING what is written there

Android developing:

and a fullstack is basically a combination of frontend+backend

keep up the good vibes in your journey and keep us posted!