Coding/Programming Beginner's Road Map

I’m a total beginner and novice when it comes to coding. Please I need guidance and a road map as to what to learn first. I wish to have a solid background/base knowledge of everything concerning coding. :pray:t2:

Welcome to the forum @ucmichael93

Start with the first certificate, then work your way down the list.

The basics of web development start with HyperText Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript.

From there you explore Front End Development, then Back End Development and APIs.

freeCodeCamp then focuses on Python for the remainder of the certificate courses.

There are many career pathways in web development. Some focus on the front end, others the back end, then there are full stack developers.

Your path will depend on what aspects interest you. Try searching on the web for web development pathways.

Happy coding

Thanks very much i appreciate.

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All the very best


Very helpful Sir, I’m going to apply this and work earnestly to archive my goal

Thank you very much, i appreciate your advice

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Thank you very much!