I thought that I need to recreate the webpages from Responsive Web Design Projects, and I've made nearly the same page. Is this OK, or should I resubmit?

I am worried about this since the Academic Honesty Policy says:

“I pledge that I did not plagiarize any of my freeCodeCamp[dot]org work. I understand that freeCodeCamp[dot]org’s team will audit my projects to confirm this.”

The page I’ve made isn’t plagiarized, which is obvious after looking at the code (my pen here), but the page looks very similar to freeCodeCamp’s.

Is this considered plagiarism?

It does look very similar. The instructions say to make your “functionally similar” and “give it your own personal style”.

Try and come up with your own idea to tribute, an author, a band, a potato and go from there.


This ought to help get you started.


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