Last night and this morning I have been working on Sass. I am an issue everytime I try to do a partial file for buttons or forms it is not responding and after i make the file and try to import it nothing works. I cant use live server and it breaks the whole page. Everytime I start my @import thats when it starts to crash.
Yes. I have found the issue. It is for sure the color highlightning extension. I disabled it and everything seemed to be working fine. Once I re activated it I got the “Extension host terminated unexpectedly.” error message again.
Is there a work around to this? Or just disable it while working with Sass?
You beat my last post by seconds. Of course, after I posted my thread I started doing some testing on my own. It is for sure the issue. I did not expect to findthe problem so easily or I wouldn’t have posted.
If anyone knows anything about this and can comment on the issue that would be great. Possibly some settings need to be changed.
I saw a comment just now that says,
"I am also having this issue running both live sass compiler and color highlight extensions. I was able to fix this by setting the supported languages for color-highlight to everything except for scss in settings.json