Is it bad that I had to use the solution for a challenge?

I had to use the solution for the card counting JavaScript challenge.
Even after reading and using the solution I still did not know how it worked, but after some time working it out I do understand it, but I feel that I’m not very good at javascript.
Was I right to use the solution?

I would say “no”, but that’s OK. I’d suggest you keep working on it until you understand the solution, then try to recreate it from memory. The only way to learn this stuff is to be bad at it until you’re good.

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The fact that you had to look for outside help isn’t the end of the world. Remember that the Basic JavaScript section is optional. But obviously if you are struggling with JS, it is a good idea to do them.

So, looking elsewhere for solutions is not terrible. If you’ve struggled for a long time, then OK. But you should understand the solution. Study it. Put it in a codepen and use some console.log statements to see what is happening. And if you still can’t understand, ask the forum. Open up a new thread (so it has a meaningful title) and ask. The more specific the question, the better the responses will be.

Programming can be hard. Don’t get frustrated. But it’s like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

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thank you for the great replies, I think I have to use the forums more often.

It’s all good!
Happy Coding :slight_smile: