Purely in terms of making money with programming, I think you should focus on a specific niche.
Programming is not a fast path to money: you need to apply strategy to it.
Python alone isn’t going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it.
Not that you shouldn’t learn it: it’s a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It’s also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers. It’s also a great tool for prototyping.
But the problem is that python is not specifically designed for that task. Example: you make a mobile app with python, and it works, but you could of had made it more efficient if you used Swift (a programming language that’s specialized for making apps in iOS).
However, the best way to get leverage in the job market is by focusing on being extremely good at something that other people can’t do, and also happens to be high in demand (something that businesses, governments, and other institutions absolutely need).
For example: let’s say there’s a shortage of mobile app devs for iOS. So you decide to learn swift.
That’d be pretty smart because there’s a lot of businesses out there who want their own mobile app, but there’s little mobile app devs. (in that hypothetical example. I haven’t actually studied that market to determine whether or not there’s a shortage of it).
If you want a real life example, from what I have heard, Cybersecurity has that kind of opportunity.
Cybersecurity is hard and intimidating, so there’s little people who want to do it.
But literally every business, charity, and even Government needs it to not get eaten alive on the internet.
So you could be paid to test institutions’ cybersecurity. That’s called a ethical hacker.
I recommend you look into it because ethical hackers use python a lot. If you are interested, you can use this website to start learning: https://hackthissite.org/
Just know that I’m not saying you should start doing cybersecurity. I’m just taking it as a practical example: do what you think is best for you! Just see this as a tip to finding job opportunities in any market, including tech.