Job Hunts - any specific advice?

Hi everyone!
Yesterday I received the front end certificate. I really enjoyed working on the various projects.
Now I would like to apply for a programming position, either in an office, or, even better, online.
Attached are: CV, Webportfolio. I could also provide a good recommendation letter.
If someone with experience can provide some advice on the topic it will be great.!AoVymsDeSYhf7w4ewi37_WiUxvLK

Congratulations Ben. Maybe you can start looking on

I have been watching videos and reading all I can about finding a job. The number one thing that everyone says is just apply to everything that kind of fits your skills. The reason is that most of these job post are made by someone who is not a programmer and the company may actually need 2 or more people to fill the roles they need. Second you never know if a company is willing to take the time to teach you a new language to work with them. The third thing I always hear is that it is a numbers games. You may apply to 100 places and get a couple of call backs and maybe a couple of interviews.
I have also heard people who hire at these companies that if you can do javascript then you can learn any other javascript library. I am almost done completing a couple projects but then I will have the certification but I have already started applying and using FCC as reference and CodePen and GitHub. I have heard from one start up but nothing yet but just started applying a few weeks ago. So hope this advice helps. Personal I just decided to jump in with both feet and with my eyes closed hoping that one job lol and just keep trying to expand and sharpen my skills daily.