Just got Front End Libraries cert. How am I doing?

Hey everyone! i’ve been grinding away at FCC projects now for almost 6 months solid, and I just finished the third certification :slight_smile:

I just wanted to show you guys my portfolio, which is updated with all my recent projects, and ask your honest opinion - do you think i’m ready to start applying for jobs? Should I wait until i’ve completed ALL the certifications? Should I join a coding bootcamp?

If you ask me I feel comfortable enough as a front-end developer, and I even have some back end experience, just nothing to show for it at the moment. But I do feel as though i’m ready enough - however i’d like to know if my work is good enough or if I need to go back to the drawing board per se.

Thank you for any opinions and criticisms - i greatly appreciate your input!

Your portfolio looks pretty solid and if you feel you are ready you should start applying jobs for front-end positions.

Make sure you polish and hone your skills on JavaScript before and be ready to talk about your projects as well.

Here is a good reference for you.

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I really like the layout of your portfolio, it’s straightforward and easy to navigate. The only concerns I had were your codeSandBox projects would not load for me. I was receiving type errors after it attempted to download dependencies. Other than that I really like it. I’ll pass on some feedback I received on my portfolio that the icons for the technologies you have near the bottom should display some sort of name text since not everyone, even professional developers, know all the technologies and their corresponding logos. Great work!

Here is that type error for you to review:

I’ll look into those type errors, or maybe move my projects off of codesandbox then. Thanks for the heads up and the input though, greatly appreciated!

I think I fixed the issue. In the redux store I was using middleware for redux in chrome dev tools, and that was throwing the error in other browsers.

I’ve removed that so if you guys check those projects again they should be working.