My Portfolio - Front End Developer

Hello fellow campers,

It’s been a while since I posted on this forum but I figure it would not hurt to try and get some feedback on my current portfolio. A little about myself, I’ve be learning web development for the last 2 years on a part-time basis. For the last 2 months, I’ve been casually applying for Front-End and Full-Stack roles within my area(Los Angeles) and still have not had any luck with interviews.

No big deal, as I understand this is just part of the process and grind for that crowning first job. I think a little bit of tinkering in my portfolio may help with that.

Here is my Portfolio

The order of complexity for each project is as follows:

  1. Chirpper
  2. In the Pan
  3. Tic Tac Toe
  4. The Color Game

Now on to the discussion:

  • What do you guys think?
  • Is my portfolio too generic(probably)?
  • Do I need to add more enhancements, change theme or completely redesign(sure)?
  • Do I need more complicated projects(definetely)?
  • Do I have what it takes to land a Frontend/Fullstack role(maybe)?
  • Would you hire me to work for your company(I hope so :wink:)?

I do appreciate any feedback and will be grateful in reception. Being candid and honest is always appreciated.:pray:


I disagree with most opinions on FCC on how to get a job and what is an adequate portfolio with which to market oneself. I didn’t get hired in software development because, like you, I did the same thing as everyone else. It takes more to set yourself apart. However there are some that get hired doing the same as the crowd it just takes longer.

Like it or not we are first judged by non-technical people before anyone sees our code. You have good grid skill and good basic design, but first I’d make sure the page functions correctly and maybe spice it up with good color choices or something else visual for some sizzle.

In page navigation: your section ids need to stop below the header.

Everything else: I’m using the tactics on youtube’s coding phase channel. He gets people with less ability than you or me good jobs because of his marketing. You should watch his portfolio reviews to learn his methodology and maybe ask him for a review.

Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. I appreciate the candid feedback and will look into changing things up a little bit(or maybe a lot).

I have heard Coding Phase and will check out his Portfolio reviews. He seem to be pretty blunt and keeps it 100%. :ok_hand:

Lastly, let’s be reminded that the portfolio showcase is just a piece of the puzzle to formulating a winning solution.

True, I agree. Especially about coding phase being blunt.

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Your portfolio shows you know what you are doing with HTML and css and JavaScript. That’s good, but I don’t think your featured projects represent what you may be tasked with as a front-end developer. I would recommend finding a website you like the look of. Maybe a business’ website like a real estate agent, or a marketing firm. Then try to recreate it. I think you will find that your css and html skills will be tested and on display a great deal more than what you currently feature.

Again, I want to reiterate that I can see you are capable and able to see projects through to completion.

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I like the portfolio overall, but I think you must credit Colt Steele for the ‘Great Color Game’, unless you changed the code significantly from his Udemy bootcamp tutorial.
This leads me to the question: are the other projects your own code and ideas, or are they also from other sources? I really think that a live portfolio must consist of projects that you have created yourself, including the design as well as the code. If you do use a tutorial, you should change it enough so that it is not instantly recognisable as someone else’s.

Make your whole website a showcase of your skills.
I was expecting a contact form rather than plain text I have to copy and paste into my mail client to send an e-mail. That would have been an opportunity to showcase your form design, validation and mail handling.

Here’s a saying I’ve just made up, “People don’t always see the driver, but they notice the car”. What I mean is your projects are the driver; your website is the car. Make it shine! You can do it! Oh, yes. You can.

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Thanks for you feedback Ethan.

I agree that attempting to duplicate or clone a website will help me level up my HTML and CSS game. Frankly, I have been less focus on them compared to JS.

Yes correct, I will need to credit The Color Game along with Tic Tac Toe. The other 2 projects where from the Chingu cohort and developed from scratch.

I will make note to add a more functional contact link/form.

Thanks for the last bit of motivation also. :raised_hands:

You’re welcome.
Personally, I would not include anything that I haven’t coded from scratch, because using bootcamp tutorials shows a potential employer that I have a great ability to code along or copy & paste rather than to think and then code. Any collaborative coding is also good, as it will provide an example of group/teamwork, which is essential these days, especially with more homeworkers.

I think the FCC challenges should be okay. I don’t know how complex the challenges get as I’m not so deep into the course, but they require you to think for yourself.
When I get to a stage when I think I’m ready to produce my own proper portfolio, I’ll think about including things that people would find useful, including sample websites. Take a look at an industry/activity that interests you, and build something that people in that area could use.

I’m probably too old (48) to be thinking about getting a dev job, but I’d sure like to show what I can do to potential clients.

Yeah, it’s always a good idea to get in a business mindset and think, “how can this be of value to a company or client?”.

I am not sure what your pursuits are but keep at it and best of luck.
It is unfortunate that ageism is a thing, especially in the startup world. But as you know, there are many alternative routes you can pursue, most notable freelancing…which I have been trying to get into myself.