Just Got My Responsive Web Design Certification!

Hi everyone just felt like sharing a small victory :grinning:.

I’m so grateful that I found freeCodeCamp, it’s making my learning how to code journey easy to follow. I’m currently a graphic designer but started to be interested in the developer world. Starting now with Javascript and it’s looking scary already :sweat_smile:.

Congrats, your projects look super polished. JavaScript takes a lot of getting used for sure you just need to build up your familiarity with it over time. 6-months to a year to feel comfortable with JS is normal.

You’re definitely on the right track and your design skills are evident in your projects.

Congratulations but a little feedback;

  • You should include the test script will all tests passing when you submit your projects.
    • tribute page passes 9/10
    • portfolio passes 11/12
  • For your pages you should review the following for an understanding of the HTML boilerplate tags. There are elements out of order.
    • Everything the browser displays belongs in the body element. There are elements that belong in the head element that are not there and elements in the head element that should not be in there.

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