Landed my third project page!

Hi guys! I’m done with my third project- product landing page . Please give me some feedback. Thanks in advance!



Good job :slight_smile:! The only things I note is that the header has a small margin to the top when you scroll, it’s not using the entire width on mobile devices (or maybe it’s just me?) and the video and images go over the border of the container when using a small device (< 500px):

Your page looks good @chichkenmomos. Some things to revisit;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • There are HTML syntax/coding errors you should be aware of and address.
    • Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
  • Check that the user has entered a valid email addr. Throw an HTML5 validation error if not.
    • You learned to do this when coding the survey form
  • Make your page responsive. Remember, the R in RWD stands for Responsive
    • There’s a horizontal scrollbar on smaller screens. All of the products cannot be seen even with scrolling.
    • As a help, start by styling for a narrow view port first. Narrow your browser as far as it will go and style the page so it looks good at that narrow width. Then gradually widen your browser and use CSS media query break points to adjust the style for wider view ports if needed.
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I think that’s happening only on mobile devices, I will check it out

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