I posted this yesterday in the project review forum but realized after I posted that it looked like a review of one of the first challenges, I forgot about the Portfolio zipline!
That said, I’m on the job hunt after completing the first two certs and being about a quarter of the way through the final one. I’ve been doing a ton of work on my own and am doing a few Coursera certs as well.
I’ve just relaunched a new portfolio and I’m looking for some critical review in terms of content, layout, readbility, etc. Bugs too.
FCC has been really great so far. For anyone who’s struggling, just remember that The Internet is a Playground: you have all the resources you need to learn, whether on FCC or elsewhere. FCC is great in pointing you in a direction but you WILL need to do your own research.
Thanks so much, I went through 2 other full designs (and too many minor iterations of each) before I landed on that one, Angular makes the data portion a breeze though, and super easy to update/add projects or pages, since I’m using repeating templates.
if I can suggest something ,is that on your Coding Work page, try to put some graphics, different colors, or something in each cell – to make it more look pretty. Right now, It looks “unfinished” or just a plain table display.
You’re completely right; I originally had images in each cell but the images were all different sizes and aspect ratios and I was having such a hard time getting them to behave uniformly that I scrapped them completely. But since both you and my roommate had the same advice, I think I’ll revisit the topic and make a set of uniform screenshots.
Doesn’t have to be a screenshot image, it could just be the dominant color theme, or a graphic element, or colored pattern that is in that particular project.
For sure an important tool. I use GIMP (open source photoshop) and Inkscape (open source illustrator) for a lot of image creation and manipulation, but doing a lot of manipulation manually like that can be tedious.