Landing Page done - first published on Github


3rd project is done. I published thos one on the gitub pages:
Landing Page - Buma

Hope to have some feedback. All testes are passed, but it is always thibg to improove.

It is published also on CodePen, but the images (the logo, and the image on the right) do not appear, since I used files, and not weblinks.
Landin Page - Buma Code - Codepen

Is there a way to use image files on CodePen, or it has to be with a weblink?

Nicely Done, looks great.

I never found a way to upload images to CodePen. When I wanted one, I had to upload the image to a separate hosted page, and then link to the URL from CodePen. I image that would work with images from Facebook, or other public pages.

Unfortunately, hosting images directly on CodePen is only available with their paid subscription.

As you have it on GitHub you can use the image links from that on Codepen. Either the links directly from your page. For example…

…or the raw version as found in the repo

I like the way your page looks you just need to make it responsive.

I tired to turn it resposive, with some media queries under 768px.
The header menu changes (it should chenge to a hamburguer menu, but I don’t know how o do it, fo now), the image goes to the bottom, and the boxes into columns.

Am I doing something wrong?

I think you should replace the navigation bar with a hamburger menu on devices with a screen width less than 640px.

The video if you can make the container class a flex box with row as it’s direction, And justify it’s content to center it will prevent it from overflowing on small devices.

You should use the inspector to check how your website look on different screen sizes, I don’t know about other browsers but chrome has some preset width.

oh. great advice. tks

I don’t know how to do it. I think that it need javascript?

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