I previously tried imgbb and found that it only worked temporarily and in my experience it was not a viable long-term solution for hosting a logo image.
If I add “?raw=true” to the logo image URL, then the logo image displays correctly but the rest of the Product Landing Page info does not display
If I don’t add “?raw=true” to the logo image URL, then the rest of the Product Landing Page info displays correctly, but then the logo image does not display
If I replace the logo image URL with the “Original Trombones” logo image URL, then both the logo and the Product Landing Page info display correctly
May I please ask what steps or workaround do I need to implement in order to get both the logo image and the Product Landing Page info to display correctly?
Note: If neither the logo nor the Product Landing Page info are displayed correctly, then the Test Suite still shows all “Tests Passed”. I’d prefer to resolve the issue and have a working Product Landing page, rather than circumventing it.
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When I did my project, I didn’t make a custom logo.
I just grabbed an image online and threw it with the other nav links.
And then resized that image in css.
Hi @jwilkins.oboe! I appreciate the suggestion. If I can’t find a way to get the custom logo to work, then I may have to do it that way as well. Thank you for responding to my post!
I logged in after an additional 5 days with no resolution and now both the logo image and the rest of the Product Landing Page are now displaying correctly.
After some additional research and a last ditch attempt at troubleshooting, I did attempt to copy and paste at the top of the HTML window below the Testing Suite script and then I received an error from codepen.io stating “Just HTML that goes in the goes here.” I deleted the and when I scrolled down , both the logo image and the the Product Landing Page were both displayed correctly. Previously, if the logo image displayed correctly, then the page did not scroll down and the Product Landing Page did not display correctly.
I could attempt a guess but it’s still not clear what really caused this issue or what changed in order to resolve it. Perhaps I copied and pasted over something that was previously copied and pasted at the top of the HTML window that was not visible in codepen.io or something didn’t get updated in codepen.io correctly until I copied, pasted and deleted something.
Whatever the issue was, it wasn’t getting picked up by the Test Suite script. Either way, I ended up spending a lot of time researching and troubleshooting this issue with not much to show for it. I wish I could say it was time well-spent but I can’t duplicate the issue or the resolution. I also can’t pin-point what caused it or what I learned from it other than repeated trial and error and waiting and trying again.
FYI, I started down the path of migrating the codepen.io projects to GitHub but I didn’t complete the migration process, so I can’t speak to whether or not that would have resolved the issue or not. Starting down the GitHub path was helpful but researching GitHub was also time consuming. GitHub has its own learning curve, so migrating the project to GitHub it would not have been a quick or easy workaround.
Creating a repository and hosting the logo image on GitHub was relatively straight-forward and did resolve the initial image hosting issues but locating the logo image URL on GitHub to include in the HTML after it was hosted there was not.
Root cause: Unknown
Resolution: Unknown
Time to resolve: Approximately 2 weeks
In order to reproduce the error message above, I did duplicate the issue of the logo image not displaying and the resolution by copying and pasting a line of HTML below the Testing Suite script and then deleting it.
The root cause of the issue causing the logo image not to display is unknown. I suspect the issue may have been introduced by either copying and pasting the Testing Suite script itself and whatever was in the background causing the issue into codepen.io, but I have no way of confirming this. All I know is that copying and pasting HTML directly into Line 2 below the Testing Suite on Line 1 and then deleting it, appeared to overwrite and delete whatever was causing the logo image not to display.
I hope these posts can assist someone else who experiences this issue. My limited understanding is that code in general can be temperamental, let alone HTML with something else running in the background.
I think the lesson here is that you can’t always see everything you are copying and pasting, so don’t blindly copy and paste something unless you completely trust the source.