I have spent the past few hours trying to figure this problem out. I’m going to try and remake the entire project because for the love of me I can’t figure out why the footer shoots up to the center of the services section after you past 985px width.
There is a problem with your height values.
Values are settled for an horizontal display. But, when you reduce width, flex-wrap property moves the elements to a vertical display and height value is not sufficient enought.
Here the part you need to change with medias query (or rewrite differently).
Ok so I went in and removed the heights from all 3 and it fixed the problem. So I’m not sure if I totally understand what you said the problem was. Pretty much I was setting a default height of 400px but when everything was I guess calculated…the content inside the #services section was larger causing it to mess up the flow of my page? So by removing the height that I set. The height was calculated automatically by the content within fixing the entire problem?