Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop - Build a Bike Rental Shop

Tell us what’s happening:

ever since i ran out of credits in gitpod, i had to search for options on how to do it locally. i used Relational Database Course – How to Learn SQL in VSCode Using Docker and freeCodeCamp and when i finished a lesson, it did not reflect in my relational database progress. what can i do to fix it?

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Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop - Build a Bike Rental Shop

at this time there is not a way to have the project done locally synced with your account

is gitpod the only option to complete the lessons or are there alternatives i can use while waiting for the token refresh?

you can do the projects in your local environment, the practice projects are not mandatory for the certification, and the cert projects, you can create the files that pass all the tests locally and you will be able to then recreate those files in the gitpod environment when you have again the credits

so if i wanted, i can just skip the practice projects and go straight for the certif projects?

you can, yes, there is written so on the cert projects themselves, “This is one of the required projects to earn your certification.”

i think the info you gave me should be enough. many thanks