I used Gitpod to complete the first projects and 2 main courses in relational databases course, however, I couldn’t continue working with Gitpod because of the “free version problem”, so I moved on working locally with Docker.
I began working with Docker, and I finished the “Five programs” section. Furthermore, I realized when I checked the course section list, the checkmark in the Five programs course was missing.
1.¿Is there a reason why the check mark is missing? I followed the instructions explained in this section: Link
¿Are there ways to recover Gitpod course progress files and move it to Docker?
Any work you do locally is not recorded in your account.
You can push your file changes to a repository, then locally clone that repository to continue. Then, to record your progress, once you have access to Gitpod’s workspace, you can pull the latest changes to your workspace to submit.
Basically, I have to wait until Gitpod refresh my credits.
I understand that you only need to upload projects files and don’t need to accomplish the lessons checkmark to earn the relational database certification, ¿right?
You only need to complete the Certification Projects to earn the certification. This involves completing the five projects which do not have the word Learn ... in the title (the descriptions also mention they are required).
These five projects require the tests to pass in Gitpod, and for you to submit the project files.