Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

I am stuck on this step of the Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate course:

“That’s a lot of folders. You can add a flag to a command to use it different ways like this: ls <flag> . List the contents of the node_modules folder in “long list format”. Do that by adding the -l flag to the “list” command.”

The tests should pass, however they do not.

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Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Link to the challenge:

can you show us a screenshot?

try exiting/closing this terminal and then
reset the step
and then open a new terminal and go to the correct path
and run ls -l from there

Still doesn’t seem to work…

Okay then you should try a soft reset.

hmm didn’t work. Is there a way to reset my progress so I can start the course over maybe ?

yes you can but you can run into the same problem either way.
Can you share another screen shot?

For removing the container and starting again, you just need to login to the codeally.io dashboard and delete the container there.

one other option is to open another course from the fcc curriculum to force the virtual machine to refresh (so you can open for eg. the mario project )
Then come back to your own project and try again.

turns out I was writing “-1” and not “-l”. This is embarassing ahah, thank you for your time but sorry for wasting it a little bit :slight_smile:


oh no problem. Sorry I couldn’t help you out and notice that!

same pinch. I did the same mistake.