hi, I have completed the learn bash by building boilerplate but I am not able to see blue check mark on my progress whats going on?
Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
Link to the challenge:
hi, I have completed the learn bash by building boilerplate but I am not able to see blue check mark on my progress whats going on?
Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
Link to the challenge:
Please read the pinned post at the top of the relational database’s curriculum.
had read already nothing is working for me
Same is happening to me dear, have you found any solution to it? then kindly lemme know regarding this.
Do you have a normal behavior?
If you have completed a Relational Database course but don’t have the checkmark on FCC, try going back into the course and clicking Continue on the course completion message which appears in CodeRoad. Then go to the FCC curriculum and the list of Relational Database courses and refresh the page. In most cases, this should give you your checkmark on FCC (though it may take a few minutes to appear).
Have already done with this but unfortunately not in any use brother. I have been waiting for it to be marked for several days.
Have you also tried this?
Still no check mark? Recycle the VM
Your user token is used to save your progress. As a security measure, we delete them when you sign out of freeCodeCamp. A new token is created again when you open up one of the projects, but existing VM’s still have the old token until it shuts itself down. Open up a different project to shut down your running VM. Then go open the old project back up; the container should now have your new token. If you finished the project, it should take you right to the screen in the image above. Press that continue button to submit the project again. If this is the issue, it should now be saved and show up the next time you refresh your freeCodeCamp page.
It is a bug i guess because after trying lot of options in different ways it worked. But i tried the same thing again and again it should have worked at first time
Just press continue and try closing tab or re-entering to press continue , or refreshing and pressing continue vise versa there is no need to go and run other code for this solution, its just a bug that you have to twist and turn every step after/before pressing continue
Yes it might me a bug, I even tried open the old projects and reopening this and pressing continue nothing worked in my favor.
I pray that it will be resolved sooner and I may get my certficate.
Did it get solved?
Iam facing this problem now.
I’m also currently having this problem. Is this problem solved yet?