Relational Database (Beta) course completion flagging not passed even after completion

Even after completion of course, page is showing not passed:
I have started the course Relational Database. I have also completed the first section “Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate”. But it is not showing completed in the circled (dot)

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36 Edg/103.0.1264.49

Challenge: Build a Boilerplate

Link to the challenge:


I referred to this post Running the Relational Database Curriculum in your Browser - Backend Development - The freeCodeCamp Forum and clicked on the “Continue” button.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 8.52.28 PM

Then I copied the link Running the Relational Database Curriculum in your Browser - Backend Development - The freeCodeCamp Forum and pasted it in a new tab. The tick appeared now.

I’d like to begin by thanking everyone for what all they do with making this possible. Keep up the great work! :sunglasses:

This post is for the person that no matter how many times you follow the instructions above and it still doesn’t work. I’m not sure which of the following did the trick. But I blasted it with the following and I finally got my checkmark. Whew! :smile:

  • I logged out of both github & freeCodeCamp
  • I rebooted my computer
  • Logged back into github & freeCodeCamp
  • Started the boiler plate exercise again
  • Clicked on complete
  • And then I got my checkmark

I’m pretty sure the problem happened to me when I had stepped away from my computer for a bit and had to start an instance back up. But either way, this is what fixed it for me.

For me, what worked was doing what the referred post ( Running the Relational Database Curriculum in your Browser - Backend Development - The freeCodeCamp Forum ) said about recycling the VM token:

That worked fine. Thank you for remembering the troubleshot link!