Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Tell us what’s happening:

So, I got this task (Building a Boilerplate) : Use find again to list the whole file tree and make sure those two got moved.
and when I enter ,find, in /website - it just doesn’t want to submit.
I tried refreshing, reseting -doesn’t work
on top of that in preview tasks I had to remove some directory, but when I reset - they always reapear (as if I just haven’t deleted it)

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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Hi @anastasia-bluf welcome to the freeCodecamp forum!

I assume you are on the website folder when running the bash commands on the terminal?

Regarding the find command, it sounds like you moved some subfolders out of the website folder and the website folder was empty before running the find command? If you moved the folders and the website folder was completely empty after that, find should return nothing.

If those were not the actions you took or that was not the situation before running find, what is the behaviour that you were expecting?

Regarding the folder you want to delete, where is that folder respect the website folder? Outside in the proejct folder? Under other folder? You can use bash commands to find it. The typical ones are find and ls, but they might require you to provide more details like the path and optionally some arguments, so at this stage it might be confusing for you.

If you are still not completely confident with bash commands, you should be able to manually navigate into the folders by clicking their names on the panel that - based on my screen view - it is on the left side of the screen (I am describing my screen view, if different in your case please let us know).

When trying to remove the folder, which command did you try to use? Keep in mind that if you try to use rmdir to remove a folder that still contains a file or a subfolder, you should proceed differently.

If none of my comments helps, could you please share the exercises you are dealing with? A copy of the description of the task would be sufficient. Just to remind us what you should get.