im trying to go to this page
its stays by this and loading and loading
I had this and I refreshed the page and it worked
i tried everyway with it and nothing changed its loading and loading
can someone please help me?
Fully clear your browser cache and website data. Then restart your browser and log back in.
didn’t work
try it yourself
You fully cleared your entire browser cache and all website data? It’s two separate things on most browsers nowadays. If you weren’t logged out, you didn’t fully clear both the cache and website data.
did yo try it?
i even entered by using Incognito!
Please post a screenshot showing that you cleared your entire browser cache and website data. This solution has worked every time I’ve walked someone with similar issues though it and they followed the steps correctly.
If this is only happening for you and only on your browser, something is wrong with your browser. Is it fully up to date? Did you disable all extensions when doing the curriculum?
i did clear all cache data and even tried on other computers and other accounts
this is the link test and let me know if by you its working
Please post a screenshot showing that you cleared your entire browser cache and website data.
That Step is working fine for me (and thousands of other users).
Please post a screenshot of you clearing your browser cache. That screenshot doesn’t show anything about your browser cache.
So that option that says “other site data”, that’s the thing I was telling you to clear
You need to check that box.
You weren’t automatically logged out, so you didn’t fully clear both the cache and website data.
and i got logged out a few times and nothing helped
try yourself if this link works for you!
The link still works correctly for me. Still. No change in the last 6 days on my end.
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