Learn Classes and Objects by Building a Sudoku Solver - Step 51

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Hi all!

This looked like a trivial step but I got stuck… I think I just need to write an else statement but it looks like it’s not working… any hints on what might I have missed?

Your code so far

class Board:
    def __init__(self, board):
        self.board = board

    def __str__(self):
        upper_lines = f'\n╔═══{"╤═══"*2}{"╦═══"}{"╤═══"*2}{"╦═══"}{"╤═══"*2}╗\n'
        middle_lines = f'╟───{"┼───"*2}{"╫───"}{"┼───"*2}{"╫───"}{"┼───"*2}╢\n'
        lower_lines = f'╚═══{"╧═══"*2}{"╩═══"}{"╧═══"*2}{"╩═══"}{"╧═══"*2}╝\n'
        board_string = upper_lines
        for index, line in enumerate(self.board):
            row_list = []
            for square_no, part in enumerate([line[:3], line[3:6], line[6:]], start=1):
                row_square = '|'.join(str(item) for item in part)
                if square_no != 3:

            row = f'║ {" ".join(row_list)} ║\n'
            row_empty = row.replace('0', ' ')
            board_string += row_empty

            if index < 8:
                if index % 3 == 2:
                    board_string += f'╠═══{"╪═══"*2}{"╬═══"}{"╪═══"*2}{"╬═══"}{"╪═══"*2}╣\n'
                    board_string += middle_lines
                board_string += lower_lines

        return board_string

    def find_empty_cell(self):
        for row, contents in enumerate(self.board):
                col = contents.index(0)
                return row, col
            except ValueError:
        return None

    def valid_in_row(self, row, num):
        return num not in self.board[row]

    def valid_in_col(self, col, num):
        return all(
            self.board[row][col] != num
            for row in range(9)

# User Editable Region

    def valid_in_square(self, row, col, num):
        row_start = (row // 3) * 3
        col_start=(col // 3) * 3
        for row_no in range(row_start, row_start + 3):
            for col_no in range(col_start, col_start + 3):
                if self.board[row_no][col_no] == num:
                    return False
                    return True

# User Editable Region

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Learn Classes and Objects by Building a Sudoku Solver - Step 51

The way it’s structured now, this line will stop the function and return either true or false on the first run of the loop. It will only check the first element and then end.

You want the loop to continue until the last element. If those all go through without returning False, then you want to exit the loop and the function to return True at the end.

Thanks, now I got it right.

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