Learn HTML Foundations by Building a Recipe Page - Build a Recipe Page Project

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Estou fazendo um Odin Project , da recipe , estou com dificuldade no nivel 13 , minha impressão é que não lembro exatamente o que colocar na tag

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    <title>The Odin Recipes</title>
    <h1>Creamy Chocolate Fudge</h1>
    <img src="https://bigoven-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/h_320,w_320,c_fill/creamy-chocolate-fudge-3.jpg" alt="Description of the image">
3 <li>Tbs unsalted butter ; cold, more at room temperature for buttering the thermometer and pan<a></li>
<li>3 3/4 cups granulated sugar<a></li>
<li>1 1/2 cups heavy cream<a></li><
<li>4 oz unsweetened chocolate ; coarsely chopped<a></li>
<li>3 Tbs. Light corn syrup<a></li><
<li>1 tsp. table salt <a></li>
    <li>  Lightly butter the face of a candy thermometer and set aside.</li>

<li>Put the sugar, cream, chocolate, corn syrup, and salt in a large (4-quart) heavy-duty saucepan and stir with a spoon or heatproo spatula until the ingredients are moistened and combined.</li><li>Stirring gently and constantly, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, 7 to 12 minutes.</li> <li>Cover the saucepan and let the steam clean the sides of the pan for 2 minutes</li>.

<li>Clip the candy thermometer to the pot, being careful not to let the tip of the thermometer touch the bottom of the pot, or you might get a false reading</li>.<li> Let the mixture boil without stirring until it reaches 236F to 238F,2 to 5 minutes.</li> <li>Take the pan off the heat and add the butter, but do not stir it into the mixture</li>. <li>Set the pan on a rack in a cool part of the kitchen</li>.<li>Don't disturb the pan in any way until the mixture has cooled to 110F, 1 to 1-1/2 hours.</li>

<li>Meanwhile, line the bottom and sides of an 8x8-inch baking pan with foil, leaving a 2-inch overhang on two opposite sides of the pan. Butter the foil. Set the pan aside.</li><br><hr>

<li>Remove the thermometer from the fudge mixture. Using a hand mixer, beat the mixture on high speed until it is a few shades lighter in colorand thickens enough that the beaters form trails that briefly expose the bottom of the pan as they pass through, 10 to 20 minutes.</li><li>Pour the thickened fudge into the prepared pan,using a rubber spatula to help nudge it out of the pot.</li> <li>You can scrape the bottom of the pot but not the sides; any crystals that stick to the pot stay in the pot.</li><li> Smooth the top of the fudge with the spatula.</li> <li>Set the pan on a rack and let the fudge cool completely,<br> about 2 hours</li> <li> The fudge will be slightly soft the day its made but will firm up overnight.</li>

<li>Turn the fudge out onto a clean cutting board and peel off the foil.<br> Turn the slab of fudge right side up and cut it into 25 equal pieces.</li></ol></p><br><hr>
    <h2>More Recipes</h2>
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Challenge Information:

Learn HTML Foundations by Building a Recipe Page - Build a Recipe Page Project

Ola. Qual tag você está se referindo?
Parece que tem várias ancoras <a>que não foram fechadas. Se você não vai precisar delas, pode simplesmente remover, a não ser que o projeto exija que elas existam.
3 <li>Tbs.
Aqui você colocou o 3 pra fora da tag li

Olá @lizaraxamg

A lista não ordenada contendo links para outras receitas deve ficar no elemento h2 contendo o texto “More recipes”

Boa codificação

Tell us what’s happening:

Me ajudem com a etapa 14 que pede o seguinte: These anchor elements should have an href attribute with the value set to #.

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>The Odin Recipes</title>
    <h1>Creamy Chocolate Fudge</h1>
    <img src="https://bigoven-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/h_320,w_320,c_fill/creamy-chocolate-fudge-3.jpg" alt="Description of the image">
3 <li>Tbs unsalted butter ; cold, more at room temperature for buttering the thermometer and pan</li>
<li>3 3/4 cups granulated sugar</li>
<li>1 1/2 cups heavy cream</li><
<li>4 oz unsweetened chocolate ; coarsely chopped</li>
<li>3 Tbs. Light corn syrup</li><
<li>1 tsp. table salt</li>
    <li>  Lightly butter the face of a candy thermometer and set aside.</li>

<li>Put the sugar, cream, chocolate, corn syrup, and salt in a large (4-quart) heavy-duty saucepan and stir with a spoon or heatproo spatula until the ingredients are moistened and combined.</li><li>Stirring gently and constantly, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, 7 to 12 minutes.</li> <li>Cover the saucepan and let the steam clean the sides of the pan for 2 minutes</li>.

<li>Clip the candy thermometer to the pot, being careful not to let the tip of the thermometer touch the bottom of the pot, or you might get a false reading</li>.<li> Let the mixture boil without stirring until it reaches 236F to 238F,2 to 5 minutes.</li> <li>Take the pan off the heat and add the butter, but do not stir it into the mixture</li>. <li>Set the pan on a rack in a cool part of the kitchen</li>.<li>Don't disturb the pan in any way until the mixture has cooled to 110F, 1 to 1-1/2 hours.</li>

<li>Meanwhile, line the bottom and sides of an 8x8-inch baking pan with foil, leaving a 2-inch overhang on two opposite sides of the pan. Butter the foil. Set the pan aside.</li><br><hr>

<li>Remove the thermometer from the fudge mixture. Using a hand mixer, beat the mixture on high speed until it is a few shades lighter in colorand thickens enough that the beaters form trails that briefly expose the bottom of the pan as they pass through, 10 to 20 minutes.</li><li>Pour the thickened fudge into the prepared pan,using a rubber spatula to help nudge it out of the pot.</li> <li>You can scrape the bottom of the pot but not the sides; any crystals that stick to the pot stay in the pot.</li><li> Smooth the top of the fudge with the spatula.</li> <li>Set the pan on a rack and let the fudge cool completely,<br> about 2 hours</li> <li> The fudge will be slightly soft the day its made but will firm up overnight.</li>

<li>Turn the fudge out onto a clean cutting board and peel off the foil.<br> Turn the slab of fudge right side up and cut it into 25 equal pieces.</li></ol></p><br><hr>
    <h2>More Recipes</h2>
      <li><a  href="#CreamyChocolateFudge">Cream Chocolat Fudge</a></li>
      <li><a href="#CreamyChocolateFudge"></a> Aunt Teens Cream Chocolat Fudge</li>
      <li><a  href="#CreamChocolateFudge"> Very Cream Fudge of Chocolat</a></li>
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Challenge Information:

Learn HTML Foundations by Building a Recipe Page - Build a Recipe Page Project

Olá @lizaraxamg

O valor href precisa ser apenas #

Boa codificação

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