Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Tell us what’s happening:
Even after Dropping the Table name as ‘first_table’ I can’t process it far. I already started the lab 3 -4 times. It always shows that "second-table should not have a row for “Mario” "even though the table in which “Mario” exists has already been deleted in precious steps.
Please help me to resolve this issue.

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Challenge: Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

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I have the same issue, the only difference is, I don’t see that Mario prompt. Even after hitting the hint multiple times and doing it the way it was being instructed, it just enters it.

pardon the random letters, I got so frustrated with it lol

okay nvm, I was able to progress on mine by closing and opening the whole thing back, from the “hamburger”, entering the virtual machine again, checking the list and dsiplaying the database, connecting back to the database and eventually dropping the “first_table”.

NW. Well u wrote random words, I left the course past 10 months ago. haha

Got it I will also try it again.

oh I didn’t realize that was 10 months ago. I barely started :smiley: nice trying it again.