Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1 - Build a Student Database: Part 1

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Hi forum,
I completed the mentioned course Part 1, but in my RDB(Beta) main page I can’t see the blue tick which means I completed it. Could you please help? Thanks in advance.
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Challenge: Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1 - Build a Student Database: Part 1

Link to the challenge:


please try to read and follow this

Thank you DDorf, this worked perfectly ^^

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I’m having problems submitting and the solution didn’t work. Tried it several times and for whatever reason, when I create a new workspace and try to solve the first step, it won’t work and a check mark won’t appear and when I click run it tells me to put the correct command in the terminal.

The Relational Database certification is in beta and is not stable.
When you have issues you can try to read and follow this post: