I stared the tutorial a few days ago and I had a progress of 60%.
I entered the workspace and all the progress was lost. Back to step 1.
Is there any way to recover my last progress?
I stared the tutorial a few days ago and I had a progress of 60%.
I entered the workspace and all the progress was lost. Back to step 1.
Is there any way to recover my last progress?
Did you find out why your progress disappeared?
I haven’t yet. Maybe someone else will.
I have read many posts of people loosing their progress. I have experienced loss of very advance progress, multiple times. Very frustrating. Especially when I was so close to finishing.
It appears that it has to do with the token you get when you log in to freecodecamp. Every time you log in you get a new token. When you start a Gitpod workplace it uses that token. If the unfortunate event occurs that you get log out of freecodecamp before you’re finished, all the work is lost. Since you have to log in again and the previous Gitpod workspace started with the previous token. In other words, once you start a course your browser cannot log out from freecodecamp. If your browser is setup to clear the data after closing that’s going to produce the same effect of loging out, if not, then it can be closed, but I have not tested for how long.
I know this is not a solution to your question, but I am hoping that by making you aware you might prevent it from happening again.
Thanks @anon28508191.
It is weird because I haven’t update anything nor erased any cache or cookies from my browser. Next time i wont close tab. Maybe it will work.
See if it’s here?