Learn To Code With Me Podcast

Learn To Code With Me is a great podcast for those looking to develop a career in tech. Many of the people being interviewed are self-taught and come from a wide range of backgrounds. This podcast has helped me feel inspired to keep learning and it has helped me discover some useful resources. :smile_cat:


seems great!, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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I know that one:) I would also reccoment “Start Here FM”. They explain all sorts of relevant topics to newbies. Just look at the episode names. Great stuff!

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I’m a bit biased because I’ve been on the show, but I totally agree. Some great guests on here.


Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation! :grin:

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I’ve only listened to a few honestly, just the fCC related ones) but I’m on her mailing list and FB group Newbie Coder Warehouse etc etc and really like her vibe…

Its a really good show. Lots of real good inspiration for anyone who, like myself and I’m guessing a lot of us, suddenly finds themselves trying to get into the field, on their own and starting from scratch. So many of the guests (and host) have said things about their own origin stories that make me go “hey that’s like me!!”. Really helps in those self-doubt moments.

I’ve been liking the podcast Take Up Code as well.

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Great podcast. Thanks @HeatherHabenicht for sharing.

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