Learning html as beginner

I need a newbie’s friend who’s still learning html so we can move further together. It is 5 days today learning html

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There are different introductory courses regarding HTML. We recommend starting with the basics as the HTML coding structure is fixed but you need to add some logic also. In a professional career, as a developer, you may need to add images, target URLs, and create landing pages. So, how will you accomplish these tasks?

We are not a beginner in the HTML, but if you need any kind of assistance, we are there to help you @Dapolion.

Hey there @Dapolion . Welcome to the world of HTML and CSS. I have been learning to code for six months. I am certified by FCC in HTML and CSS, but I still have a lot to learn.

I would love to help you, and for you to help me. Shoot me a message anytime.


How can I send you a text to DM I don’t see option for that here

Thank you very much, how can I get starting with html and css as a beginner with little experience

If you click their name, you can see a Message option.

I don’t know why but I’m not seeing it

I think it is because you are a new user. Discourse has “Trust Levels”. After you reach level 1 I believe you can send PMs.

I would recommend, on top of just doing the freeCodeCamp course, downloading VS code to your computer and figure out some projects on your own.

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I will suggest couple of guys who can be your best buddies during your learning and project building phases as well

  1. Flash Cards ( Google “anki app flashcards” )

  2. Pomodoro Technique

All the very best.


Thank you for the tips @vikramvi I’ve been using old school paper index cards to write down html element and tags. I will check out the ankiapp.

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@lasjorg is right. Since I sent you a message, you can now message me in that string.

I’m not sure how flashcards would help since programming isn’t about memorization

I would agree that for me, programing is certainly not memorization, for the most part. But I don’t know if I would draw that line all the way across the board. People’s brain’s work in different ways. Maybe @Dnice learns code best as memorization.

Memorization isn’t learning to code. It’s learning to repeat

This is interesting. Now that I think about it I see what your saying. Coding contains memorization (for instance, learning to repeat certain syntax patterns), but is not memorization in and of itself.

Flash cards can be used effectively for programming syntax memorization e.g. tags in HTML, CSS properties etc.

I had found this best video on how to program few years back, I highly recommend you to watch and follow the practice

Sure. Syntax memorization just isn’t that important though

I found using tags, attributes etc in Typing practice helpful.
This way my fingers did the memorisation for me at the very start of learning.

Tho, I found I started using it as a way to procrastinate writing projects, after a while. :confused:

I think any learning technique has its place… but should not be permanent.

People seem to go through stages, mine was memorisation at the beginning, then turned into small project writing, now I read a lot of documentation for things I think I already understand to get a little more information and context.