Lesson instructions cut off on screen

Hello, this is more of a comment/feedback and not a question, but I’m not sure where else to post this.

I’m working on the beginner CSS module (Camper Cafe), and on step 17, the lesson is cut off at the bottom, so there is no way to see the full line of code that we are supposed to type in for that lesson, which automatically results in getting the answer wrong. The correction does offer the full line of code needed to get the correct answer, but having to get the answer wrong on purpose in order to get the right answer detracts from the lesson, and can be discouraging for a newer student.
I included a screenshot for reference.

Thank you for your time.


You can scroll code blocks.

What browser/OS are you using? As @JeremyLT said, you can scroll the code blocks, but looking at the pic you posted, it doesn’t look like the horizontal scroll bar is visible and thus I can understand why you might not realize you can scroll it.

Depending on what OS/browser you are using there might be a way to change the settings so that the scroll bars always show by default and thus you would be able to tell more easily when a code example can scroll.

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Does it work in a different browser?

Isn’t it the same bug?

It sounds like it. @a.romano2010 we’d really appreciate it if you could tell us what OS and browser you are using.

Thank you all for your replies. I am currently using my iPad 11, using Safari. It’s either that or my phone, and the tablet has a keyboard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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