Linking a image file for Tribute page

Hi, I want to link my image file for the Tribute Page project. How can I link images that are in my Google Drive? Please, I need help.

Here’s a (hopefully) useful guide:

Its not working. the link is being generated in an iframe tag.

Fair point, I wasn’t aware of that. Basically, because FCC won’t store the images for you, you need to host the image somewhere where it can be linked directly. There are many image hosting sites out there and you should be able to create a free account with one, upload your images and then get a link which you can put in a src attribute in an img element.

this question has been duplicated on the discord programming-help channel and has been resolved.
It would be great if @saptarshimondal.mail can stick with posting a question either on the forum or on discord to avoid duplication of effort.