Links in codepen not opening

so it seems links in codepen will not open

  <div class="pic-txt">
      <a href="">
        <img class="project-pictures" src="" alt="java work"> 
        <p class="text-center">my java game repo</p>

This code above will not work in code pen(aka go to the website). This may not be a problem
but, I am not sure. The pic-txt class is just a custom class i made
and project pictures class is also a custom class I made for the margin
and all that jazz. Now here is the weird thing

   <div class="pic-txt">  
      <a href="">
        <img class="project-pictures" src="" alt="picture of john mayer">
        <p class="text-center">my tribute page</p>

This code works… so i have no idea what to do please help! (also opening in a new tab works so the
links seem to be correct)

Codepen does not like direct links that are not of it’s own domain. The second link works, because it is linking to the domain. I would recommend add target="_blank" for both links, so that each links opens a new window for the href url.

Thanks for your help!