Lock Down - What have you been up to?

Hello everyone,

This is my first post in the forums. I started my web development training on FreeCodeCamp in November 2018 but still working in Hospitality at the moment.

Being stuck at home I decided to work on an idea for website. I’m an amateur webcomic artist who uses the Hive Blockchain to blog so I thought I’d combine them both.

Since mod March I worked everyday on my website https://inkito.io and I’d love to have your feedback design wise. You don’t need a login to visit, only to interact with the Hive Blockchain.

I used the api documentation of Hive and Hivesigner as well as my knowledge of React and Mobx for state management.

Let me know what you think!
What about you… What have you been up to? Training, building?

Time like this is a great opportunity to go deep in development.

See ya


What does one actually do with the blockchain on your site?

Oops I thought I had mentioned that. You can post a comic or novel, give “likes”, follow a creator.

The Hive Blockchain stores all the information (title, text, tags, followers, etc…) and distribute rewards to content based on the attention (the likes) they collected over a period of 7 days.
So Author can receive crypto currency for their content.

Images a stored separately on IPFS with the help of a pinning service.
It exists already for blogging but I adapted it for comics and novels with a system of unique tags that form a series.

I put in a lot of work into this. That was a good opportunity to learn. :wink: