Looking for - Tribute page feedback

Looking for feedback on my first project the Tribute page.


Any feedback/advice is welcome.
Thank you.

Your page looks okay @darkexplorer. Some things to revisit;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
    • There are a couple of errors you can look into resolving
  • In CSS you have the image class selector twice. Once at line 43, then again at line 54
  • Review the lesson about giving meaningful text to links.
  • Make your page responsive. One smaller screens your layer class doesn’t respond responsively.
  • Is there a value add to having this in your code? <div class="">

I think that placing Winstone profile image in a circle over Winstone background is a design mistake. looks messy.

Try to go for more clean design, and place a clean white background.