Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

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Challenge: Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

Link to the challenge:

You can complete this course locally - this will require some git/github experience.
To get the boilerplate code in this case - you need to clone the repo, link in the challenge.
Plus you will need to host the project with your solution somewhere - I did not go that way, so I don’t know what the best options would be for that.

The other way would be to create account on, and write code there. In this case, no github moves required.
You just import replit project with boilerplate, and start working on challenges in their environment

To pass the tets you need submit url to your project.

For example I was submitting my url from repl, which looks like that roughly:
you’ll see from where to get this url, as soon as you’ll start working with repl

When I put that it gives me this error

// running tests
package.json should have a valid "author" key
// tests completed
// console output

You need to click on the ‘Replit Starter Project’ link on the challenge page and then follow the instructions to import the repo from GitHub to replit.
Then you can complete all of the challenges on Replit.

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I Do not Understand, Will you Pls elaborate?

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