Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript?

Why doesn’t the freeCodeCamp curriculum teach how to use JavaScript to modify the DOM, don’t teach about events or the document object? I like the freeCodeCamp curriculum, I’ve learned a lot, but when I take a tour of other learning resources I notice that many work with events and the document object, that is, they modify the HTML code with JavaScript, and they handle it as if it was something basic that everyone should know when using JavaScipt, because of that, I don’t understand why the freeCodeCamp curriculum never touches those topics.


You should check out MDN they have a great documentation. Also FCC doesn t replace other resources. I mean is good for practicing and getting some basic knowledge but it s not a replacement for other resources that go deeper in details and cover more things. I thought they had something about DOM tho. It wouldn t be bad to cover that if so.


Please help me…what do i really need to know…am quite confuse…i have gone tru the algorithm and Javascript certification but am very confused…in the sense that many things arent included in the course comparing it to videos i watch online on YouTube…is it dat the frontend libraries replaces some of the missing topics like DOM, query-selector, event-listener and so forth…please i need ur help cos i am new to programmin