Hey there!
Here’s my Product Landing Page: https://codepen.io/lElfenLiedl/full/XWrGPML
I would like to hear any feedback on that
Hey there!
Here’s my Product Landing Page: https://codepen.io/lElfenLiedl/full/XWrGPML
I would like to hear any feedback on that
Try making the blue and green boxes a bit more transparant? there looking like stickers as it is right now.
Thanks for your feedback!
I’ve changed it. Does it look better now?
Much :3 maybe also a good tip try thinking if you are reading this site like an 80 year old. And ask yourself is this landing page friendly for me? Is it clear what I must be doing?etc. I also just started with this one: https://codepen.io/maria-hoek/pen/ExYGgMw?editors=1100 doesn’t look good thou