My browser isn't loading my html file

hello there,
i have been trying to start a project using HTML its my first ever project…tho i have done all the necessary stuff like create a file in Visual Studio Code then oppening it im my chrome (which is me default browser) it still wont load i don’t even know what im doing wrong…can anyone give me a tip or idea???

If you are using VS code, are you using something like live server? This will automatically start a local server and open a new window in your default browser

i have no idea how to check for that

When you open up VS Code, you will want to click on the extensions tab on the far left(it is the one that looks like the 4 squares)
Search for live server in the search bar as shown below

Click on the install button

Once installed, open up your HTML file in VS code and click on the Go Live at the bottom right corner

In a few seconds, it will open up a new browser tab showing your project

let me give it a try then i will come back to you thanks so much

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