Can someone help me to run html on vs code

i need help to setup html on vs code, i have vs code installed all the extensions installed. However, when i tyype a simple code and open in a browser i am getting a blank page.

did you write the layout, !DOCTYPE HTML etcetc?

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yes i did, like (.html) right /

alright could you send a screenshot of your code so far?

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sure! i just wanted to check whether its working or not so i got the code f
rom chatgpt. anyways lemme share that

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Can you send a screenshot so that users here can find a way to assist you on that?

So can you add an h1 tag inside your body and then add your text “Welcome to my website” inside it? Then check the browser if it appears or not. an h1 tag looks like this:
<h1> your text here </h1>

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That’s correct! :+1:

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Kindly add h1 element to th body like this <h1>Welcome to my website.</h1>

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Maybe an obvious question, but how are you opening it inside your browser? Live server plugin or just straight up from the file? If it’s the latter, have could you refresh the page? As others mentioned, adding the header to the text is a good idea, but to me what you’ve written shows the title and Welcome to my website show just fine.

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yea i added the <h1. element and its the same result lemme show u a screenshot

that’s the same one?

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i added


but same result

i added


and i got the same result

That’s the previous image uploaded at first.

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In both cases whether you add the h1 tag or not, it should at least show the page title on the tab you have opened. are you sure you are opening the right file or as @Sebastian_W mentioned, have u tried refreshing the page?

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see the pathway. it shows i opened the correct file right

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Sorry, but I just noticed the dot next to the file name in VS- again, apologies if it’s too obvious but… have you saved the file?

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