My First Tribute Page project on free code camp

Here is the link to the page, if there are any suggestion do suggest me.


It would have been more interesting if you had chosen a person different from the example.

Nice work. Here’s some feedback:

  1. It would be better to use some “semantic” HTML elements like figure, figcaption for the image-related part of this task.
  2. Reserve h1…h6 elements for “headings” or “heading-like” parts of the page, again focusing a bit on semantics.
  3. Bootstrap has many in-build classes to achieve most, if not all, of the styles for this page. Explore Bootstrap by downloading the bootstrap.css file from the website to your local machine. I found a few classes by doing a Find/Search for keywords such as “font-size”, “width”, etc.
  4. Avoid inline CSS, if you can. It’s a good practice to separate the markup (HTML) and CSS always.

Good luck!

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