Please could someone assist me to debug my code for this project, as it is failing user story #3 , #4 and #12. However, I have checked and re-checked my HTML and CSS for the project and there appears to be no reason why any of the three tests should fail.
The test suite errors for the three failed user stories are:
3. The first element within each .main-section should be a element which contains text that describes the topic of that section.
Not all elements with the class ‘main-section’ have a element as a first element child : expected 13 to equal 14
#4. Each element with the class of “main-section” should also have an id comprised of the innerText contained within it, with underscores in place of spaces. The id may include special characters if there are special characters in the respective innerText. (e.g. The that contains the header, “JavaScript & Java”, should have a corresponding id=“JavaScript_&_Java”)*
12. Each element with the class of “nav-link” should contain text that corresponds to the text within each (e.g. if you have a “Hello world” section/header, your navbar should have an element which contains the text “Hello world”).
Check that these headers have corresponding .nav-link elements and be mindful of case! : IF…ELSE STATEMENT
And if you check my code, it appears to meet these three conditions, hence the reason why I am surprised by the three error messages. Here is also a link to my codepen project: