My Utter Gratitude to freeCodeCamp

I just wanted to say that I really love freeCodeCamp. I started using it when I was just 13 years old and here I am after 3 years. I attribute almost all of my web dev skills to it (HTML, CSS, ReactJS, and JS). I am just here to say to the freeCodeCamp staff that they have changed the life of possible millions of people and mine; and that they truly deserve great thanks!
Your work is truly appreciated, freeCodeCamp!!
Keep changing lives of millions!


It’s awesome to hear from someone who has been part of our community through an important phase of their life. Keep up the good work and happy coding.


I am also freecodecamper since its beginning when we used to chat using :grinning: unfortunately in the waves of life I gave up programming and freecodecamp, what happened after that everything changed, chat forum changed and I lost my friends with whom I used to chat using gitter!