Navigation is difficult to find a certain lesson of the courses of freecodecamp

i found it difficult to navigate a certain lesson for revising in javaScript course and other courses of freecode camp. Only found easy to navigate HTML -CSS course of freecodecamp as each lesson of that course was sorted by number.

I will extremely recommed to corresponding authority to sort and give serial number of each lesson of the freecodecamp. It can be given like that for example:
Numbering for javascript data-structure and algorithm course

  1. Comment Your JavaScript Code
  2. Declare JavaScript Variables
  3. Storing Values with the Assignment Operator


if you are a developer of freecodecamp, please consider it. i will be thankful to you.

I don’t think any fixes of this type will be made to the current curriculum for JS but the future JS curriculum which is being worked on at the moment will be project based and have step numbers like the New Responsive Web Design project.

but that i didn’t mean. i expect some numbered list. ok!

No problem, I’ve already found a way to revise easily with a technique without following any numbered list.

The problem was when I was revising the previous lesson that I learned, I had to scroll down every time from the top of the curriculum webpage for each of the next lessons. and it was found boring and difficult to find the next lesson as it was not listed with numbers.

Then I added another tab in the browser. One tab for navigation where I copied the certain lesson’s link that I wanted to revise and another tab for revising the lesson by pasting its link in the search box.

Now I don’t need to scroll down every time for every next lesson from the top of the curriculum page and I can navigate easily.

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