Need Guidance on Tech Stack Roadmap & Abroad Job Offers

Hi all,

I am working as Frontend developer for 5 years with tech skills: Javascript, ReactJS, html, css and want to explore further on the roadmap. Now, I am confused whether to learn mobile app development or backend development.

I am partial towards mobile app development since I know ReactJS, but not sure about the job market for mobile apps? Which one attracts more job opportunities if I want to get a job in abroad? Which tech stack is best in terms of learning, growth, good job offers in abroad.

Could anyone please guide me here? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

for mobile Development you can explore react native etc and if you like to be a full stack as you have a experience in front end then learning back end is also a good path then being a mern stack will be best option depends on you and your dedication.

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I recommend going into backend and operations, especially cloud computing, DevOps or a combination of both. Difficult fields, because they are vast and constantly moving, meaning fewer people are willing to do them. Especially working in DevOps you could find remote jobs, but prepare to be the trouble shooter on call for 24 hours at some companies.

You can check AWS and Azure for the learning paths cloud developer, cloud engineer and cloud DevOps engineer for a start.

Much success on your way.