Need help wit product landing page 4.2

You haven’t closed the opening tag here. And you need to write a proper end tag.
<section class="hero"<section>
You didn’t close the opening tag here And you need to write a proper end tag.
<div class="hero-inner"<div>

You need a space here

You need an end </form> tag here

        <form id="form" action="">
          <input id="email" name="email" type="email" placeholder="enter your email address" required>
           <input id="submit" type="submit" value="SUBSCRIBE" class="btn">

You might want to review some of the basic html section again. Just to make sure you are closing these tags properly.

Hope that helps!

could you explain to me in more detail. I do apologise im pretty slow this morning lol

one of the failing cases is looking for this

<main id="main-doc">

that has to wrap your content as other cases say

essentially looking for sequentially nested elements with particular tags and id’s

Again im really sorry to bug you down with my ignorance im still pretty new to this-

<i class="material-icons">thumb_up<i>
Tag must be paired, missing: [ </i></i> ], start tag match failed [ ] on line 91.
i keep getting this error for the code on line 91

There is no end tag here
<i class="material-icons">thumb_up<i>

You have two opening tags.

it’s important to understand test driven development as all these exercises are based on that. Try building your projects by passing one case at a time.

Yeah im still having a hard time closing said tag .
<i class="material-icons">thumb_up<i>
so is there no <i> after it or a />

tags are paired unless they self close


<some />
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You need to add the slash there.
Like this
<i class="material-icons">thumb_up</i>

I am going to sign off.
But for the rest of the syntax errors I would suggest looking at documentation on how to properly write these tags.

If you are unsure if it is self closing or not just look at the docs.

Good luck :grinning:

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Thank you so much for the help and I will definitely look at those documents.

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